Breeding Lucidity

In vivo. In vitro.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Facebook blues!

It has been a while since I've blogged. Facebook took over my life. It is easy to keep in touch, blog, chat, comment, like and all that jazz. The world was my oyster, or so it seemed in there. But the disillusionment with Facebook has begun. Somehow I cannot comprehend the 'networking' concept at play there. People who are unwilling to greet you or reciprocate your smile are your 'friends' on the site. I started receiving friend requests from people who study in the same institution but I am pretty sure wouldn't have 2 seconds to acknowledge my presence if I were standing right in front of them, in flesh and blood. So the question arises - why would I want to open to them the door to my personal life. How I celebrated my birthday and my comments on my friend's class five picture should never be on their Facebook homepage. Why would they want to know about me when they cannot make an effort to know me? It is befuddling to be honest. I am sure a million debates have already happened over whether Facebook is good or bad. And I guess the biggest argument against my blogspot idea as opposed to my Facebook page would be that anyone anywhere could read my blogs covertly while Facebook at least tries to restrict the entry. But I suppose I'd rather have strangers read my cryptic pointers to my life than people who can put two and two together. And anyhow, I'd rather tell it to someone's face than assume their reading-between-the-lines skills. When numbers begin to mean more than the people behind the numbers it just seems futile - the entire exercise of social networking. An excess of networking and an unforgivable neglect of 'social'.

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posted by Ms.V @ 00:19  
  • At 09:29, Blogger Anil Sawan said…

    I liked the last line. quite an article I shud say!

  • At 10:22, Blogger Ms.V said…

    Hey Sawan

    Thanks :)

  • At 20:09, Blogger devi said…

    Interesting..I have this lil' something that makes sense to me .. Wonder if it does to you..

    Post- modernists say that our life gets so increasingly fragmented, we try to reach out to more and more people with much verbosity.. we describe our emotions freely to people we've just met.. Kinda explains shouts and tweets like I'm frustrated with life, I'm so excited about my work,I love my new shirt, I had such an awesome day today and so on.. You say it to whoever will listen..And it's not the individual, as much as it is the times....

    Think social networking media just tapped into this..

    On a tangential note, think a writer really knows who buys his books and surreptitiously reads them?

  • At 21:47, Blogger Ms.V said…

    Possibly. Most of my angst came from how I saw it to be over here. Going by the same logic as given by post-modernists, I'd think that people would want to make contact with people offline as well. Sadly, it just seems to be either contact for contact-sake (the infamous "networking") or a way to communicate that one can turn on or off whenever one darn well pleases. They explain the FB and Twitter phenomena. It almost looks like a competition - to taunt the rest of the world by showing them how 'well' one is doing. I've been a hardcore FB status junkie too. I guess times could be the right cause, but how and why could be explained differently! :)

    As for the book, I shall be a little selfish now and say that I'd like as many people as possible buy my book and read it - covertly or overtly! :D

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